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Latest thoughts and opinions
Original and reposted contributions and from our PEACS core team and Expert Network: timely, topical & insightful.
Bob Hancké
Oct 28, 202011 min read
The Political Economy of Skills
How do we find out which new skills are required and how do we produce them? Institutions are the answer to both, Bob Hancké argues.
Bob Hancké
Oct 23, 20209 min read
Goodhart’s law and the dark side of herd immunity
Read why Goodhart's law tells us that herd immunity undermines its set goal, is technically flawed, and epistemologically wrong.
Bob Hancké
Oct 16, 20204 min read
The UK and the EU: Another two-level game
The prospects for a post-Brexit trade deal between the UK and the EU look increasingly bleak. PEACS attempts to make sense of the events.
Bob Hancké
Oct 8, 20204 min read
Big shifts: Lessons from the 1980s for the labour market after Covid-19
Read how understanding different adjustment paths can help avoid a second generation of losers from economic restructuring after Covid-19
Bob Hancké
Oct 6, 20203 min read
WFH requires a paradigm shift in how we think of work, job autonomy and cooperation
Unless we redesign work tasks into projects with increased team autonomy, organisations are unlikely to reap the benefits of remote working.
Nicholas Barr
Sep 30, 20204 min read
Britain’s job support schemes: right direction, more to do
Some jobs will still be viable in a few months’ time. Others won’t. Nicholas Barr (LSE) argues that job support schemes need to go further.
Bob Hancké
Sep 30, 20202 min read
On the problem of publicly funding supply side adjustment
The European Recovery Fund is crucial to maintain the functioning of EU economies. However, the real question is what to do with the money?
Bob Hancké, Toon van Overbeke, and Dustin Voss
Sep 28, 20203 min read
Anatomy of a wage subsidy
The UK's new wage subsidy scheme is unlikely to work as well as its German counterpart, as many important systemic elements are missing.
Laurenz Mathei
Sep 10, 20205 min read
Tony Abbot: the expert the UK has been waiting for?
The controversial appointment of Australian former PM Tony Abbot as trade adviser might be legitimate, but is it really worth the trouble?
Daniel Beunza and Derin Kent
Aug 27, 20204 min read
Returning to the office: how to stay connected and socially distant
Working from home or returning to the office? We need to think carefully about future working arrangements to not get stuck in the middle.
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